Day 2 of the new school year. And while I’m back at the same school I worked in last year, everything has changed.

New classrooms. A new layout. New pupils. New teachers.
I could use a GPS system to help navigate.
Instead, I’ve got my nose.
Yep, I let my clowning instincts and improvisation skills navigate the wacky ratio of one educational clown for over 800 students (as well as dozens of teachers).
Last year’s pupils are happy to see me. I get hugs and high fives. I hear my name called from all directions.
The teachers greet me with smiles and hugs, too.
The new pupils – and new teachers -- are amazed to see me.
I’m happy to see them. For me, it means: New friends.
After a quick name exchange, I offer a handshake or fist bump or just a verbal agreement that we’re friends.
With the new pupils, I make it a point to tell them that my memory is terrible and that I may not remember their names but I will remember that they are my friends.
I talk about all the new names and new things at the school. I voice their concerns and mine – as my concerns alone. But usually within a few minutes, they agree – and add – to my list of thoughts and concerns.
For a brief moment, we’re on the same page. We’ve got the same challenges at the new school.
But they fit in better than I do. So, they’re ahead of me in the game to make new friends.
I'm good with that. So, here’s wishing everyone a great school year and lots of new friends.
Update: Oshi clowned in schools from 2018-2019. She gives talks and blogs about this out-of-the box experience.