I’m a verbal clown. No doubt about it.
That’s not to say I don’t speak body language. Oh, I do.
I love the endless variety of motions nonverbal communication gives for expressing myself – and getting what is not said by others.
But I love using words as well.
If you’ve been following my blog, you know that I write about my experiences in clowning. I’m a clown blogger. Or a clown diarist, perhaps.
I love the silly and foolish side of life. And I love to describe it in words.
Through my writing and speaking, I try to show how this weird world view (the language of clowning) impacts daily communication.
I hope to offer those with no connection to clowning a link to this world of YES, failure and silliness.
I do not identify myself as a theatrical clown because I have not studied or taken enough drama courses to be such a character. Moreover, clowning is usually focused around nonverbal interaction and physical exercises. That’s not me. The verbal side is an important part of my clown.
I come from a different world – the world of communication. And I use many many many words in clowning and in writing about clowning.
I see myself as a hybrid clown – very verbal (written and spoken), attentive, responsive and plain-spoken.
Indeed, a hybrid verbal clown. No doubt about it.